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Year 3 receive their homework on a Friday, to be completed by the following Friday.

Each week you will be given:

  • Maths homework - this will either be a task to complete with a grown-up or an activity carried out on our ActiveLearn website. Online, children may be asked to complete an educational game or watch a video and then explain the method to a grown-up. These activities are based on methods or mathematical understanding that we have covered recently. (Link can be found under Class Pages > Kids' Zone). They will also have a times table to learn each week. 
  • English homework - this will be an activity based on the spelling pattern you are learning in school that week (see below). Children should also read as regularly as possible at home. An adult should sign your homework diary to confirm that you have done this. 

From time to time, you will also be given a Learning Log project to explore and respond creatively to a theme relevant to our in-school learning. You will normally have two weeks to complete these, and it will always have a clear 'due in' date.

Homework helps to share your learning with your parents and practise the things you learn in school. Children receive reading stickers when they read 5 times a week and dojo points for passing their times tables. If you have any problems with your homework, please discuss this with your class teachers as soon as possible. 

Spelling Patterns

The table below shows a list of the spelling patterns your homework will be based on:

Weeks Spelling Pattern
1 & 2 Prefixes: dis- and in-
3 & 4 Prefix: im-
5 Tricky words
6 & 7 Suffix: -ous
8 & 9 Suffix: -ly
10 & 11 Words ending in -ture
12 Homophones
13 &14 Words ending in -ation
15 & 16 The 'c' sound spelt 'ch'
17 & 18 The 'sh' sound spelt 'ch'
19  The 'i' sound spelt 'y'
20 & 21 Suffix: -ion
22 & 23 Suffix: -ian
24 & 25 Prefix: re-
26 Homophones
27 & 28 Prefix: anti-
29-32 Prefix: super-
32 & 33 Prefix: sub-
34- Revision