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Special Educational Needs (SEN) Report

Broughton Primary School is proud to be an inclusive school, valuing the individuality of all children. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. We do this by taking account of pupils’ varied life experiences and needs. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations of all our children. The achievements, attitudes and well being of all our children matter. This section summarises the information found in our SEN Report which may assist in answering questions about school provision for Special Educational Needs.

How can I contact your Special Educational Needs Coordinator?

The contact details of our SEN coordinator is: Ms Claire Shortt, Headteacher, Broughton Primary School. Tel: 01536 790282

How can I access Northamptonshire's Local Offer of services?

Northamptonshire's local offer of services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilites can be found below:

You can contact them on:

How can I contact support services for parents of children with SEN?

Effective working links are maintained with:

  • Educational Psychology Service: Contact Number : 0300 126 1000
  • Educational Inclusion and Partnership Team: Contact number : 0300 126 1000  
  • Independent Advice and Support Services: Contact Number : 0300 126 1000
  • Virtual School for Looked After Children: Contact number : 0300 126 1000   
  • Primary Behaviour Outreach Support (Kings Meadow Team or Maplefields Team): Contact numbers: Maplefields 01536 409040

(See Local Offer website link above for contact details in relation to High Needs Funding Applications and Education Health and Care Plans)

Which special educational needs are provided for at Broughton?

As an inclusive school we do not seek to closely define the special educational needs for which we will make provision.  Historically we have had success in providing for a wide range of different needs, when budget, resources and availability of expertise has allowed. This has included pupils with:

  • Dyslexia
  • ​Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Dyspraxia
  • Visual Impairment
  • Hearing Impairment

Where can I view policies relating to your SEN provision?

As a school we are mindful of and comply with the LA Expectations of Schools, which outlines the key ways which pupils should be supported in class, along with expected equality duties shown in our 'Equality Policy' - see separate tab in the menu.

We have a range of policies confirming the support we give identified pupils to address their additional needs. Different interventions and approaches are used to address specific areas and we would look carefully at your child’s individual needs when deciding how best to support your child and which of the interventions to use.

You can view our 'School Access Plan' by opening the attached document at the bottom of this page. If you would like to view additional policies, please ask at the school office for a copy of these. 

How will my child be supported?

STAGE 1: Well-differentiated, quality first teaching, including - where appropriate - the use of small group interventions.  All vulnerable learners will be included on a whole-school provision map. All learners will have access to quality first teaching. Some vulnerable learners will have access to carefully differentiated activities or approaches directly related to the school curriculum which are part of our good practice in making teaching and learning accessible to pupils learning at different rates.

STAGE 2: Additional SEN support. Pupils will be offered additional SEN support when it is clear that their needs require intervention which is “additional to” or “different from” the well-differentiated curriculum offer for all pupils in the school i.e. they have a special educational need as defined by the SEN Code of Practice 2015.

STAGE 3: Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health and Care Plan. Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs (pre September 2015) or an Education Health and Care Plan (post September 2014) will have access to all arrangements for pupils at Stage 2 and, in addition to this, will have an Annual Review of their statement/plan.

How does the school assess and review the progress of pupils?

Depending upon the stage of support as outlined above, the progress of our pupils will be assessed and reviewed through:

  • The school’s generic processes for tracking the progress of all pupils
  • ​Termly evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions on the provision map (in relation to the progress of each pupil)
  • ​At least termly evaluation of whether pupils in receipt of High Needs Funding and/or with Education Health and Care Plans are meeting their individual targets which have been written to address their underlying special educational need.
  • ​Annual review of Statements/Education Health and Care Plans as prescribed in the SEND Code of Practice (September 2015)

​How are children with SEN enabled to engage in activities with all pupils?

​As an inclusive school, we do everything we can to ensure that pupils of all abilities and needs are fully included in the life of the school. Where appropriate and legitimate, we endeavour to provide different ways for all learners to access the same learning experience, rather than withdrawing pupils and providing an entirely different activity. Our deployment of additional staffing and resources ensure that curriculum experiences are available to all pupils in the school.

Lesson planning seeks to address the learning needs of all pupils in the class.  Teachers receive regular training and support to ensure they are skilled in differentiating the curriculum for vulnerable learners. When subject coordinators monitor planning, work and progress, and carry out observations of teaching and learning in classrooms, particular attention is given to whether the ongoing learning offer is inclusive. Pupils are encouraged to analyse how they themselves learn and there is an ongoing dialogue about this in our classrooms.  Pupils are given the opportunity and support to develop self-help strategies to ensure their full access to the curriculum.

How does the school support the emotional, mental and social development of pupils?

Our pupils are supported through:

  • Specific social skills programmes such as ‘Time to Talk’
  • Protective Behaviours support for vulnerable pupils
  • Circle time - which gives children time to talk about their concerns
  • Assemblies on inclusive themes such as 'It's good to be me'
  • School Council - listening to the concerns and ambitions of the children for their school
  • Support from regular events such as Anti-Bullying Week, Safety Online and Cyber Bullying Protection
  • Meet and Greet as appropriate for pupils experiencing difficulties settling into school life

​What training and development of expertise is provided for school staff in supporting SEN?

In accordance with Section 6 of the SEN Code of Practice 2015, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator is a qualified teacher working at our school and has statutory accreditation.

The SENCO, EMA Coordinator and Designated Teacher for LAC regularly attend local network meetings.

All staff are trained in how to best support vulnerable learners in order to maximise their achievement as part of the school development plan and annual schedule of continuous professional development.  Specific training needs will be identified and met through the appraisal/performance management process.

Specialist advice and expertise in relation to assessment and support of individual pupils is commissioned by the school from the open market, accessing, as far as possible, services available as part of the Local Offer.

All staffing appointments to support vulnerable learners will be carried out in accordance with equal opportunities legislation, employment law, safer recruiting policy and best practice.  All vacancies will be competitively advertised to ensure our school employs staff of the highest calibre.

How are facilities and equipment for supporting SEN secured?

When specialist equipment or a high level of staffing support is required to support a pupil with special educational needs, our school will fund this as additional SEN support up to £6,000 per annum for each individual pupil.  Thereafter, if the cost is higher and the provision of these facilities is likely to be prolonged, the school will apply to the Local Authority for High Needs Block Funding.

Specialist equipment and expertise in relation to its use will be purchased/hired/ commissioned by the school from the open market, subject to the usual guarantees, service level agreements and quality assurance criteria. Our school will, wherever possible, join with other schools in joint purchasing/hire of equipment.

How are children with SEN and their parents consulted and involved in their education?

The school aims to work in partnership with parents and carers. We do so by:

  • Encouraging parents and carers to inform school of any difficulties they perceive their child may be having or other needs the child may have which need addressing.
  • Allowing parents and carers opportunities to discuss ways in which they and the school can help their child.
  • Agreeing targets for all pupils, in particular, those not making expected progress and, for some pupils identified as having special educational needs, involving parents in the drawing-up and monitoring progress against these targets.
  • Keeping parents and carers informed and giving support during assessment and any related decision-making process.
  • Making parents and carers aware of the Independent Advice and Support Services available as part of the Local Offer.
  • Providing all information in an accessible way, including, where necessary, translated information for parents with English as an Additional Language.
  • In most lessons, pupils are involved in monitoring and reviewing their progress through the use of layered targets. 
  • Endeavouring to fully involve all pupils by encouraging them to state their views about their education and learning and identify their own learning needs.

​Which bodies and organisations do the school and the governing body involve to support pupils?

We seek to respond quickly to emerging need and work closely with other agencies including :

  • EHA Team
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Independent Advice and Support Services 
  • NCC Sensory Impairment team
  • Local NHS services
  • Targeted Prevention Team
  • Education Entitlement Service
  • Early Years SEN support service (Inc Portage team)
  • Multi-agency safeguarding hub

​Often at the request of families, we liaise with voluntary bodies in order to be as familiar as possible with best practice when the special educational needs of a pupil are very specific (eg autism, visual impairment etc).

How do you support children in preparing for transition to secondary school and for adulthood?

We will ensure early and timely planning for transfer to a pupil’s next phase of education and, in the penultimate year before they leave, will offer transition meetings to all pupils in receipt of Additional SEN support and all those with statements of Special Educational Needs. Pupils with Education Health and Care Plans will have next phase destinations and transition arrangements discussed at plan review meetings convened by the plan coordinator.

A transition timeline will be produced, with specific responsibilities identified.

Support for the pupil in coming to terms with moving on will be carefully planned and will include familiarisation visits and counselling.  Pupils will be included in all “class transition days” to the next phase but may also be offered additional transition visits.

Pupils and parents will be encouraged to consider all options for the next phase of education and the school will involve outside agencies, as appropriate, to ensure information is comprehensive but easily accessible and understandable. Accompanied visits to other providers may be arranged as appropriate.

Parents will be given a reliable named contact at the next phase provider with whom the SENCo will liaise.

What arrangements are in place to handle complaints from parents regarding the SEN provision made at the school?

If there are any complaints relating to the provision for children with SEN or EAL these will be dealt with in the first instance by the class teacher and SENCO / Ethnic Minority Achievement Co-ordinator, then, if unresolved, by head teacher.  The governor with specific responsibility for SEN/inclusion may be involved if necessary.  In the case of an unresolved complaint the issue should be taken through the general Governors complaints procedure (see separate Complaints Policy).