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Exam & Assessment Results

2024 Key Stage 2 Results

  Working Towards (WTS) Expected Standard (EXP) Greater Depth (GDS)
Reading 11% 89% 21%
Writing 7% 93% 18%
GAPS 7% 93% 46%
Maths 7% 93% 46%
Science 7% 93% 30%

Reading, Writing and Maths Combined

  Expected Standard Higher Standard
School  80% 17%
Local Authority 56% 5%
National  60% 8%

Average progress scores (average: 0)

  Reading Writing Maths
School  +3.1 +2.5 +2.5
Local Authority -0.8 -0.4 -0.5
National  0 0 0

Average scaled scores (expected: 100)

  Reading Maths
School 108 107
Local Authority 104 103
National 105 104


Performance Tables

Please follow the link below to be directed to the official website where the Key Stage results are published for all schools every year:

Department for Education League Information