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Throughout the year, the quantity of homework will gradually increase leading up to SATs, which are in May. This will help the children’s understanding and allow them to consolidate what has been taught in class.

To begin with, homework will be set on a Friday, to be returned by the following Friday. It will include an English piece of homework, for example, a grammar, spelling or reading comprehension task, and a Maths piece of homework, which will support the Maths unit being taught that week. 

From February, once Booster classes for SATs begin, your child will receive homework for these classes, with different due in dates.

Occasionally, an additional Science or Topic piece of homework will be set to support the children’s learning in class.

In addition, a variety of Learning Log homework will also be set where the children will be given the opportunity to be creative and to lead their own learning. The Learning Log homework will be set at different points throughout the year so that it ties in with what is being covered in class. The children will always have a minimum of 2 weeks to complete this homework, however the work produced needs to represent the extra time given.

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop in to discuss it further.